Dear Members,

Exciting news! Did you know Tapatio has an exclusive referral program just for you? We cherish the enthusiasm with which you embrace Tapatio, and now we've made sharing the experience even more rewarding. For every new Member you refer who joins our community, we'll generously waive one month of your Dues!

From now until April 31st, we're rolling out special incentives for our cherished Members who successfully refer a NEW Member:

  • May Dues Waived: Enjoy the perk of waived April Dues as a gesture of gratitude.

  • GOLF Members Exclusive: Current GOLF Members referring another GOLF Member will gain one complimentary month of cart fees.

  • Grand Prize Drawing: All Members referring someone will automatically enter a drawing for a chance to win fantastic prizes such as *(1) $100 Tapatio Gift Card, (1) Complimentary Guest Room Night, (2) Months Free Cart Lease, and (4) Complimentary Member Guest Rounds of Golf.

And that's not all! Both the NEW Member and the REFERRING Member will receive invitations to our New Member Welcome Party and Round-Up on May 5th. Anticipate a delightful evening with complimentary drinks, delectable food, live music, and exciting prize giveaways!

Know someone keen on Tapatio Membership? To qualify for these enticing incentives, here's what we ask of you:

1. Bring Them In: Introduce the potential Member to Membership by bringing them in for a visit OR

2. Share Their Info: Send in the potential Member's information (name, email, phone number) so our Membership team can extend a warm invitation. OR

3. Submit a Referral Form: Directly submit a referral form to Membership before the potential Member joins or visits or send it in with them.

(Only one of these tasks needs to be completed to qualify for incentives.)

It's as simple as that!

Your support continues to shape the vibrant community at Tapatio, and we can't wait to welcome new members with your assistance.

Thank you for being an integral part of Tapatio!

Warm Regards,
Tapatio Membership Team

Click Here for Referral Form!